4 Jan 2005

what color is montana?

purple according to the new york times: the state where in november they changed the constitution to ban gay marriage, but in december, the supreme court ruled that denying health benefits to gay couples (but not unmarried opposite sex couples) violated the mt equal protection clause. mt went for bush, but at the same time elected a democratic governor and legislature -- as well as legalizing medical marijuana and upholding the ban on cyanide mining (despite some persuasive commercials and $3 million dollars spent by the mining industry urging that cyanide only sounds scarier than it is).

the high for today is 2 degrees with five inches of snow predicted. it's good to be back.


Blogger Unknown said...

2 fucking degrees?!

3:39 p.m.  
Blogger baw said...

2 is balmy. it's the -10 windchill that gets you. even then, it's not til -20 that things really start getting uncomfortable.

1:01 p.m.  
Blogger KarbonKountyMoos said...

Welcome back!

4:09 p.m.  

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